
This blog contains descriptions of behaviour that is abusive to women. It is described with regret and analysed with what aims to be an anti-sexist ethic but the contents may be upsetting or triggering for some people. Take care before reading any post if you think you may be upset by what is written in it.

Comments are moderated. I will reject any comments that perpetuate the sexism I am trying to grow out of. I intend to accept comments that are genuinely trying to have a useful discussion.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Perving on Women

I perve on women as they walk past. It can't be nice for them and I list it among the behaviours that I am training myself out of.

I was thinking recently about what I'm really doing, in a social sense, when I do that. Here is a little story I imagined, to set the scene.

A man sees a woman. He feels slightly sexually aroused. He looks at the shape of her body and at whether any of her underwear or her genital areas may be revelaed by the way her clothes are sitting. He walks over to her.

Man: Hi, I feel a bit like having a wank. Is it alright with you if I lift up your dress and look at your crotch, so I can keep the image in my mind and wank over it later in the loo?

Woman: No it's not! I hardly know you! Why would I want to be part of your sexual fantasy like that? Fuck off!

The man walks away but then he sees a chance to look up her dress anyway. He does it, knowing with complete certainty that she doesn't want him to. Then he goes and has a wank in the loo.

My behaviour, and that of anyone else who perves on women, is exactly like that story, except that we don't go and ask first. But we know that women don't want to be part of our random sexual fantasies. Even men who don't actually go off and have a wank are still taking part in the same gross and abusive type of behaviour.

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